We help you build a healthy foundation from the
inside out so you can feel your best again!
The Wellness Wheel was created as a visualize guide to help you understand how imbalance developes in the body. Six foundational states illustrate how layers of dysfunction build in the body to create imbalanace and disease over time. The Cellular Reboot Prgram is revolutionary approach that focuses on trinity healing.
The inner core of the Wellness Wheel is Spiritual State, Fruit of the Spirit, and GOD
Negative thoughts, fears, and poor life choices can slowly infiltrate our daily lives and take over our the fruit of the spirit which is love, peace, joy, patience/long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This creates distance from God, family, and friends and can lead to negative thoughts/emotions, self-doubt, judgement, and unhealthy habits. We help you to identify these obstacles and misconceptions formed over time and guide you to form new practices that compliment your new resilient lifestyle bringing closeness with God, new light and the return of JOY and PURPOSE.
The Cellular State
Cells are the engines of physical life. They provide structural support, facilitate growth and repair of tissues and organs, transport essential life sustaining nutrients, produce energy via the mitochondria, and aid in reproduction. Cells require vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for metabolic reactions. In this phase of your journey we correct issues with malabsorption, metabolic imbalance, restore nutrient balance, upregulate detox pathways and the immune system to support optimal cellular functioning.
The mitochondria are the powerhouses inside the cell and inside DNA which have multiple functions. Mitochondria are responsible for energy metabolism, ATP synthesis and can generate reactive oxygen species (ROS). The quality of the mitochondrial function can impact the health of body systems and tissues impacting the performance of the musculoskeletal, brain, heart, gut, and cardiovascular health. A simple and effective way to help improve mitochondrial function is through dietary changes and fasting.
The Toxic State
Let's be honest, we live in a toxic world and our cells are swimming in toxic soup!
Toxic exposure can be internal, external, and spiritual. Internal toxins come from the end-products of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and their debris that live in and on us. External toxins are heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, and other chemicals in our environment that are found in drinking water, the food we eat, clothing we wear, cosmetics, and many other home and work exposures. The body and mind are connected. Spiritual and emotional toxins can sabotage our thoughts and emotions as well as have physical impacts such as increase inflammation, depress the immune system, and contribute to the cycle fo chronic disease.
When your cells are swimming in toxins, you feel inflamed, fatigued, fragil, and typically may suffer from food sensitivities, digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, supressed immune response and/or weight irregularity.
Toxins can cause cellular damage by different mechanisms such as:
Interfering with the production of energy in the mitochondria (which is the batteries in every cell)
Inducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the cells
Disrupting the function of cell membranes and receptors
Activating or inhibiting enzymes and signaling pathways in the cells
Triggering immune responses and cytokine production
Causing DNA damage and cellular senescence
Increasing the fight or flight stress response in the body
Depending on the type and amount of toxins, the exposure time, and the susceptibility of the individual, toxins can cause various diseases such as:
Gut Ailments
Cardiovascular Disease
Autoimmune Disease
Allergies & Eczema
Mood Disorders
Our Cellular Reboot program was created with the intension to bring oneness in mind, body, and spirit. As with the Trinity – Father, Son, Holy Spirit – three in one, we employ the same method to the healing process. We believe TRUE healing necessitates the unity of mind, body, and spirit. The cellular focus of this program helps us to understand you as Gods creation, HIS hand in every aspect of your being, your purpose in life, and how they work collectively to produce fruit.
Brain Reboot – Seeing the hand of God in our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and emotions; An in-depth evaluation of our thoughts and the root cause(s) of self-limiting beliefs.
Body Reboot – Understanding the God molecule (DNA), the importance of removing toxins and rebooting nutrition and physical movement; A comprehensive examination of the toxic burden, the 3 D’s - diet, drainage, detoxification processes, autophagy, fasting and more…
Spiritual Reboot – Recharging every cell with the Spirit of God; A thoughtful examination of Gods plan evidenced through Jesus Christ, matured in us through the holy spirit, revealed in the Fruit of the Spirit, and sanctified over a lifetime.
Celluar Reboot is a pathway to TRUE healing. Removing cellular toxins, reduces cellular inflammation, restores cellular energy, and revitalizes health so you can fully manifest the Fruits of the Spirit. Once the inner disease states have been restored, the outter Sick State and Disease State can heal and your body can be returned to God's orginial design.
It's that simple!